Hi,friends , How is the day? Hope well. Ok, today I am going to show you (All of my blogger lover friends) how to set up the blogger blog for automatic refresh. Don't worry because the process is very easy and very useful for any medium (new / experienced) of blogger. No matter how much newcomer my blogger friends are , they will be able to set their blog for auto reloading within a very little amount of effort by the help of this article. Just follow the step by step instruction below to install the auto refresh script in your blog.
Step-1 # log into your blogger
As you are a blogger, you sure know how to log into the blogger. After that too, I am giving you the little instruction to log into the blogger account (Only for those who are in a very primary stage)
To log into your blogspot blogger account CLICK HERE
After you have clicked on the CLIKE HERE button above you will be on a page where you can login to your blogger account. Enter your email and password in the box provided there and hit the enter button or just click on the login button.
And than you will be in the blogger dashboard in no time.
To log into your blogspot blogger account CLICK HERE
After you have clicked on the CLIKE HERE button above you will be on a page where you can login to your blogger account. Enter your email and password in the box provided there and hit the enter button or just click on the login button.
And than you will be in the blogger dashboard in no time.
Blogger login page
Step-2 # Finding the layouts of your desired blog
After you logged into the blogger, you have to find the blog from the dashboard which you want to be reloaded automatically. Once you have found your desired blog, get into the layouts by clicking on the drop down menu on the dashboard of your blog. To understand better follow the following photo instruction below.
Finding the layout button from the dashboard
Step-3 # Finding the ADD A GADGET box in the layouts page
As you have already completed Step-2, so now, you are in the layout page of the blogger. Well , in the layout page you will notice lots of page functions box there. But as you have to add some Java script on your blog, so you have find and click on any ADD A GADGET box over there. Once again, you will find that there are a good number of box that shows ADD A GADGET link. Normally the question appears, which box will be the best to chose to install the Java. Here is the solution. As this Java script is not going to show any in page(sometime we use script to show new option in the page which is called in page appearance ) appearence, so my suggestion will be to chose the box which is near to the footer (near to foot of the page) of the page.
Finding the ADD A GADGET button
Step-4 # Java Script installation
After completing the Step-3 , I mean, after clicking the ADD A GADGET button of a box near to footer, a new window will appear, where you find a link saying HTML/JavaScript .
Click on that link and you will be redirected to another page where you will find 2 boxes ; one for title and other for content. Leave the title box blank and in the content box paste the following Java script and hit the save button. And thats all. Your auto refresh option has been installed successfully.
Click on that link and you will be redirected to another page where you will find 2 boxes ; one for title and other for content. Leave the title box blank and in the content box paste the following Java script and hit the save button. And thats all. Your auto refresh option has been installed successfully.
copy the JAVA SCRIPT bellow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | <script> <!-- /* Auto Refresh Page with Time script By JavaScript Kit (javascriptkit.com) Over 200+ free scripts here! */ //enter refresh time in "minutes:seconds" Minutes should range from 0 to inifinity. Seconds should range from 0 to 59 var limit= "00:59" if (document.images){ var parselimit=limit.split( ":" ) parselimit=parselimit[0]*60+parselimit[1]*1 } function beginrefresh(){ if (!document.images) return if (parselimit==1) window.location.reload() else { parselimit-=1 curmin=Math.floor(parselimit/60) cursec=parselimit%60 if (curmin!=0) curtime=curmin+ " minutes and " +cursec+ " seconds left until page refresh!" else curtime=cursec+ " seconds left until page refresh!" window.status=curtime setTimeout( "beginrefresh()" ,1000) } } window.onload=beginrefresh //--> </script> |
Finding the place to paste JAVA
Finding HTML/Java
Putting the Java
Setting the auto refresh time
In the line 11 of the above JAVA SCRIPT, you will notice some script saying "var limit="00:59" . Here you can set up the time for your desired auto refreshing of your page/blog. Use the Right side is for seconds and Left side is for minutes.
From the author
It will be an honor to hear any comment from you. Please share your story with us of installing auto refresh on your blog. Happy blogging.
Note : If Your Not able to copy script code Click Here to DOWNLOAD code
Note : If Your Not able to copy script code Click Here to DOWNLOAD code
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